Saturday, June 6, 2015

FaceBook & Free Advertisement

It is true that when Facebook for began it was viewed as just a place where egocentric folks could share all of their inner most thoughts- good to know you're on your third churro of the day Tom! Or yet another place for teenagers to make each other feel inadequate. But times they are a changing!  Facebook is now one of the easiest and universal ways to communicate with an abundance of people all at once. Why not use it to promote literature and your library?
To dive deeper into the matter I checked out three different school library Facebook pages, one page for each level: elementary, junior high, and high school.  Let's start bottoms up.  La Vernia High School Library (name of page as well) uses their page to spread the news about new releases and how the librarian likes them. The page is covered with recommendations by the librarian Ms. Ellis. Not only does it let patrons know what new books are available but also gives a review and plot details.

 The library is often saddled with task of  informing the community of news and special events. I know at my school the librarian I
Travels with a camera to help update the school website. Splendora junior High Library (name of page as well) uses their page to help spread school news. I found announcements of car rider route changes and congratulations for different group achievements. I love the idea of using a page for these tasks but when that's all it does it appears to lose followers attention. The library has over 80 people who "like" the page but few rarely give a post a thumbs up and I saw absolutely no comments on any of them. SJH needs some publicity!

Last stop was at Lake George Elementary School Library. This place is your one stop shop!  I found videos of kids reading, pictures of events in the library, links for fundraisers, etc...  What an awesome way to spread the word of just how involved a library can be to the learning environment.  All this librarian has to do to campaign for her space is pull up her page.  New book links were available as well.  This is how Facebook should be used!  Way to go LGES!

1 comment:

  1. One of your comments was truncated~ at any rate, how can the librarian keep up with all of this social media and broadcasting what's going on there? Seems like the last library page you visited was full of information, but when I taught elementary school I was swamped with lessons, booktalks, and other activities more directly related to my job. And what if you have a solo shop? Is it fair to add this too? Other teachers don't have to do this, so how to make it work? I'm playing devil's advocate here; I think these pages are vital. I just know it's hard to keep up with it all!
